Monday, August 13, 2012

Run Like a Horse! ...Well, maybe a lame horse...but still.

No, seriously, I ran in circles around one of our horse pastures! lol  Today I ran like the lamest horse you've ever seen. I HATE to run. I don't find it exhilirating, freeing, or sucks. But I need to find a way to incorporate free exercise... Drumroll please...

Today was Day 2 of the Couch to 5K App (Don't worry Neena, I will still be lame when you are able to join!) I have to say I love this program so far.

I picked a pasture that had a little path mowed along the perimeter and called it my training facility.  It's a smaller circle than the huge mile tracks at the schools.  This way I feel like I hit smaller milestones more often with each lap.

Couch to 5K takes a gimpy sitting duck like me and training you slowly yet steadily at a pace where you feel the push but don't think you are going to die!  You can even choose a sweet natured trainer voice, a tough straight forward trainer voice or a drill sargent!  It links to your itunes and so you can jam to your own tunes too. Perfect combo for me.  And consiering I am out in the back of a pasture somewhere I get to sing along like a big fat dork!

I have to admit..I'm a bit excited to watch my running log on the app to see my progress.  I have always wanted to run a 5K.  Let's see if I found the right tool to get me there.

Any running tips to share?  I know I Run For Wine has a great blog to follow.

They actually got put to use!  All dirty and everything! lol  So proud.


  1. Yes, please don't leave me behind! I can join you right after Labor Day - I promise!!

  2. How do you like couch to 5k? I was thinking of doing it. I definitely need to change my ways.


Talk to me, Goose!