Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Beautiful Distractions...

Every now and then I have these days I just want to tuck in my pocket and keep close everywhere I go. Just so I can pull them back out on the tough days and feel their warmth and promise.

Today was an ordinary day.  If anything, could have been set up to be challenging, frustrating or even just kinda bla.

It was a rainy day (admission...kinda love those every now and then) I had a sick little boy home from school Monday and now again for a second day.  This means Mommy missed school too which is much rougher to recover from than his missed work in the 1st grade.

I had a bunch of Math work to catch up on which is the single most stressful event in my life.  I absolutely loathe math.

So, trying to focus and wrap my brain around why some looney toon decided to add letters into math I have a little 6 year old playing Legos next to me.  "Hey Mom, look!  I made a space ship! ...Oh, Mom!  Now it's a boat!"  And on and on with the interruptions...

In that moment I am grateful for the peace I felt.  The happiness I experienced.  I got to spend 2 days of one on one time with my son.  The main man in my life. I got to have him trot alongside trips to the grocery store, the post office, and make car, boat and who knows what kind of sounds as I trudged through my homework.

What a joy.  Sure, any other day I could have easily found this a terribly annoying distraction but not today. I got to make memories.  Let my son know how much I enjoy him and drink it all in.

Life is rough around here and I know someday the hard work will pay off.  I'll look back on these days, proud.  Proud that Mommy demonstrated hard work in trying times. Proud of my children for loving their imperfect Mommy in the most beautiful, pure way.

I am so grateful for this life. 


  1. This is why I absolutely love you! Today was pretty close to perfect around here, too!

  2. Love this. Isn't it refreshing to have those days where the things that could be seen as irritating are heart bursting? How wonderful that you could capture it here to share with us too. Thank you for the itty bitty reminders of a wonderful life.


Talk to me, Goose!