Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I found this among my mess of social media and it stopped me in my tracks. Remember this simple statement in times of darkness, during your midnights. If we allow our hardships to refine us we will shine bright as the stars that hang from the heavens. Truth.
Monday, July 30, 2012
BOOM! 1st Miracle DONE...In Under 5 hours!
If you read my last post you know I was waiting on some miracles to come down from above in a pretty desperate time of need...
Well, one specific needed miracle was child care for my kids twice a week. More specifically, cheap child care that can be at my house to get kids off bus until I can get home after my school. I called and called so many different places and the cheapest I could find was $400/month for 2 days!!! What the?! Everything else was upwards of $570+ per month. There is just no way I can fit this in the budget, God! Hellooo?!
I was out taking the kids to visit the horsies...a daily ritual. We live in a small home built in the 1950's that sits on 40 acres of horse farm. It is a barn co-op and there are some lovely people who come and go to care for their horses. We just live here and let my daughter live out her dream to be living with horses. :) All the joys of barn living without the work and mucking stalls! Yeehaw!
Anyway, as we were walking in I saw a familiar face that I don't often run into. Something told me to stop, turn around and just throw out my need and see what bites. So, I did exactly that. Ready for this?!
There is one other small home just a hop skip and a jump from ours on the back of the property. This womans mother just moved in and is terribly lonely...and looking to feel useful. :-D We discussed the details and not only can she but her daughter said she is going to be so excited to have something to give her a sense of community, worth and contribution! So, I will pay her a fraction of the daycare costs and she is pumped about it!
Not only did I get blessed but our need ended up blessing someone else financially and emotionally! Instead of Hellllo God??? I need to be saying Helloooooo God!!!!!
I posted my need exacly 5 hours ago to the minute. Crazy the way he works. Grateful. thank you, Lord, for your promises!
Well, one specific needed miracle was child care for my kids twice a week. More specifically, cheap child care that can be at my house to get kids off bus until I can get home after my school. I called and called so many different places and the cheapest I could find was $400/month for 2 days!!! What the?! Everything else was upwards of $570+ per month. There is just no way I can fit this in the budget, God! Hellooo?!
I was out taking the kids to visit the horsies...a daily ritual. We live in a small home built in the 1950's that sits on 40 acres of horse farm. It is a barn co-op and there are some lovely people who come and go to care for their horses. We just live here and let my daughter live out her dream to be living with horses. :) All the joys of barn living without the work and mucking stalls! Yeehaw!
Anyway, as we were walking in I saw a familiar face that I don't often run into. Something told me to stop, turn around and just throw out my need and see what bites. So, I did exactly that. Ready for this?!
There is one other small home just a hop skip and a jump from ours on the back of the property. This womans mother just moved in and is terribly lonely...and looking to feel useful. :-D We discussed the details and not only can she but her daughter said she is going to be so excited to have something to give her a sense of community, worth and contribution! So, I will pay her a fraction of the daycare costs and she is pumped about it!
Not only did I get blessed but our need ended up blessing someone else financially and emotionally! Instead of Hellllo God??? I need to be saying Helloooooo God!!!!!
I posted my need exacly 5 hours ago to the minute. Crazy the way he works. Grateful. thank you, Lord, for your promises!
Ever Wonder "How The Heck Is This EVER Going To Come Together?!"
That's where I am at right now! How The Heck Is This EVER Going To Come Together?!
I was a comfy stay at home mom of 2 babies when my world was rocked a messy divorce that left me penniless, jobless, car-less, and plan-less!
After a couple of years bopping around trying to make ends meet with 2, sometime 3 jobs I decided it was time for a change. I secured a wonderful job in my dream field and moved out of state, away from my family to start our new life. Everything was falling into place and I felt proud, grateful, joyous! 6 months after moving away, my position was "eliminated" due to budget cuts and I was on again living in the land of the lesses.
I ended up doing the 2 to 3 three jobs at once again, even adding in cleaning homes of friends to make just a bit more in hopes of just getting by. This was no good. I needed to dig deeper.
Last year I did something that took every brave bone in my body. Something I swore up and down I would N-E-V-E-R do. (I bet you're thinking I was stripping or something! lol) No, for me this was worse...I went back to school. Age 28 going to college for the first time.
I have always had a passion for Sign Language and helping others. So, I discovered I qualified for a grant to pay my way at least for that first year. I was petrified and elated all at the same time. I was going to face my biggest fear (Algebra!) and get my Bachelors Degree. Whaaaaat?! I was way more petrified than elated!
I got through my first year of big girl school. Not without hiccups and bruises but I did it. I was proud of my "Non Traditional" education status. I was working hard and creating a plan to provide a better life for me and my children.
This morning I went down to school to register. Something was wrong with my Financial aid. My heart sank. All I could think was "This is my hope. This is my future. This is my ticket out of this painful life! This can't be happening!" I found myself in a dark hour. My own midnight in the bright and sunny Georgia day.
It would be weeks if not months before I recieved the necessary funding to continue with school, if at all. The lady looked at me and said "Well, just pay up front to start the semester and just get reimbursed." Ummm, if I could afford that I wouldn't be standig in this line, lady. Frustrated, I grabbed the kids and left.
I'm driving home trying to think of how I can earn enough money in 20 days to pay for the first semester when it all started happening... email from the landlord about my overgrown lawn and will have to pay more money to keep it up and I better do it now, bills stacking up with the lovely 'final notice' stamp, back to school lists I have been putting off in hopes of a financial miracle, an empty refrigerator, the list just seemed to grow like the weeds in my yard! It all just swirled around in my head making me dizzy.
This is the point where I take a deep breath and realize... This is all a part of a greater plan. The only place I need to be is face down, in prayer. This is an opportunity to grow. I have a big God and if it is meant for me to walk this path I THINK is right for me than it. will. be. I need to free my heart of the worry and let my faith speak.
Surrender is a tough word. Really think about it. To fully surender. That is a difficult thought when you are the head of a household and that house contains your 2 precious children. Do I truly trust God to lead us? Do I really trust that he can untangle this mess? My answer is a big, fat YES.
Sometimes this life can just flat out suck. Tear us down. Break our spirits. Our job it to keep getting back up and go one more round. Wipe the brow and fight. Good thing if we choose, we can have the Almighty in our corner. I know I need him.
So, I still have absolutely no idea if/how the school, lawn, bills, food, etc issues will resolve...BUT I do know if I keep my eyes focused on Jesus and his promises, we will be ok. It WILL all come together for my good.
Every night one of my favorites prayers is simply "Thank you Lord for your promises." This encompasses so much of what I need. He promises to provide, to protect and to love unconditionally. And I trust him.
I hope to be on here sometime in the near future updating you on the miracles that have been coming together over here. Until then... Find hope in the Lords promises!
Here is my go to link for times such as these! What an amazing promise!
I was a comfy stay at home mom of 2 babies when my world was rocked a messy divorce that left me penniless, jobless, car-less, and plan-less!
After a couple of years bopping around trying to make ends meet with 2, sometime 3 jobs I decided it was time for a change. I secured a wonderful job in my dream field and moved out of state, away from my family to start our new life. Everything was falling into place and I felt proud, grateful, joyous! 6 months after moving away, my position was "eliminated" due to budget cuts and I was on again living in the land of the lesses.
I ended up doing the 2 to 3 three jobs at once again, even adding in cleaning homes of friends to make just a bit more in hopes of just getting by. This was no good. I needed to dig deeper.
Last year I did something that took every brave bone in my body. Something I swore up and down I would N-E-V-E-R do. (I bet you're thinking I was stripping or something! lol) No, for me this was worse...I went back to school. Age 28 going to college for the first time.
I have always had a passion for Sign Language and helping others. So, I discovered I qualified for a grant to pay my way at least for that first year. I was petrified and elated all at the same time. I was going to face my biggest fear (Algebra!) and get my Bachelors Degree. Whaaaaat?! I was way more petrified than elated!
I got through my first year of big girl school. Not without hiccups and bruises but I did it. I was proud of my "Non Traditional" education status. I was working hard and creating a plan to provide a better life for me and my children.
This morning I went down to school to register. Something was wrong with my Financial aid. My heart sank. All I could think was "This is my hope. This is my future. This is my ticket out of this painful life! This can't be happening!" I found myself in a dark hour. My own midnight in the bright and sunny Georgia day.
It would be weeks if not months before I recieved the necessary funding to continue with school, if at all. The lady looked at me and said "Well, just pay up front to start the semester and just get reimbursed." Ummm, if I could afford that I wouldn't be standig in this line, lady. Frustrated, I grabbed the kids and left.
I'm driving home trying to think of how I can earn enough money in 20 days to pay for the first semester when it all started happening... email from the landlord about my overgrown lawn and will have to pay more money to keep it up and I better do it now, bills stacking up with the lovely 'final notice' stamp, back to school lists I have been putting off in hopes of a financial miracle, an empty refrigerator, the list just seemed to grow like the weeds in my yard! It all just swirled around in my head making me dizzy.
This is the point where I take a deep breath and realize... This is all a part of a greater plan. The only place I need to be is face down, in prayer. This is an opportunity to grow. I have a big God and if it is meant for me to walk this path I THINK is right for me than it. will. be. I need to free my heart of the worry and let my faith speak.
Surrender is a tough word. Really think about it. To fully surender. That is a difficult thought when you are the head of a household and that house contains your 2 precious children. Do I truly trust God to lead us? Do I really trust that he can untangle this mess? My answer is a big, fat YES.
Sometimes this life can just flat out suck. Tear us down. Break our spirits. Our job it to keep getting back up and go one more round. Wipe the brow and fight. Good thing if we choose, we can have the Almighty in our corner. I know I need him.
So, I still have absolutely no idea if/how the school, lawn, bills, food, etc issues will resolve...BUT I do know if I keep my eyes focused on Jesus and his promises, we will be ok. It WILL all come together for my good.
Every night one of my favorites prayers is simply "Thank you Lord for your promises." This encompasses so much of what I need. He promises to provide, to protect and to love unconditionally. And I trust him.
I hope to be on here sometime in the near future updating you on the miracles that have been coming together over here. Until then... Find hope in the Lords promises!
Here is my go to link for times such as these! What an amazing promise!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Hurt That Settles In And Stays A While...
Have you ever heard someone say something like this... "Ok, so it was just emotional abuse. He didn't lay a hand on you, did he?! Cause if he did...!!!" I cringe when I hear statements like this. It actually sends creepy chills down my spine. Let me explain...
So often we are too quick to dismiss the damage and scars left from mental and emotional abuse. We see the bruises from the physical so yes, it is shocking. But bruises and wounds heal. The true trauma of even a physically abused women is what it does to her mental and emotional state. The fear, anxiety, anticipation of the next blow...this is what lingers and hinders her from living a healthy, normal life post abuse.
I have never been hit by a man and I will not even attempt to say that I understand this feeling. My best friend from childhood has been beaten so badly we thought she would not make it on several occasions. Still to this day she bears awful scars across her face and body from countless attacks from her boyfriend. Me, on the other hand, I was married to an incredibly deceitful and mentally abusive man who came close to stealing every last bit of who I was and what I had to offer. I was a shell of a human.
I sat on one side of a glass jail visitation booth and picked up the grungy phone to hear the voice of my best friend who had made a few wrong turns in her life. We sat for an hour trading stories and filling each other in on the ups and downs of the past few years.
As we continued to share there was one common thread we kept coming to, each time shaking our heads in agreement and connecting through our pain. The lingering fears of the mental abuse.
After several years of cowering, apologizing and trying to keep my head above water I decided it was time to step up for myself and my children and leave. At the advice of a counselor I agreed my children needed at least one healthy parent. And right now they had none. With some hard work and sacrifice I was determined to heal and become the best mother I could possibly be for my children.
Although it proved to be the smartest decision of my life, unfortunately, the abuse didn't stop. Even after 4 years of divorce I still cringe when I see his name appear in an email or call. Always hurling insults and anything evil he can throw to hit the most vulnerable parts of my being. The man I trusted with my life, spoke my vows to, started a family with had become my living nightmare.
But here is the difference. Now, ...I have taken the control back. You see, I let him take my dignity, my worth, my everything. Not anymore.
I have learned to find my value in the eyes of my savior. My gracious, loving Jesus. He calls me beautiful. He knew me before I was formed in my mothers womb and embraced every mistake I would ever make and loves me unconditionally. This is the love I cling to and trust now. I am safe in his love.
There is a song that helped catapult me into trusting Christ to care for my broken self. So much of how I relate to this life is through music. I want to encourage you to take a moment and find healing and true love in our Heavenly (perfect) Father through this song.
"In Better Hands"It's hard to stand
On shifting sand
It's hard to shine
In the shadows of the night
You can't be free
If you don't reach for help
And you can't love
If you don't love yourself
But there is hope when my faith runs out...
Cuz I'm in better hands now
It's like the sun is shining
When the rain is pourin' down
It's like my soul is flying
Though my feet are on the ground
So take this heart of mine
There's no doubt
I'm in better hands now
I am strong
All because of you
I stand in awe of
Every mountain that you move
I am changed
Yesterday is gone
I am safe
From this moment on...
And there's no fear when the night comes 'round
I'm in better hands now
You can't be saved
If you're not reaching out for help
Tonight, I pray that you will be delivered from your hurts, your pain and suffering. Take a chance on real love. Christ's perfect love. Find yourself in better hands.
So often we are too quick to dismiss the damage and scars left from mental and emotional abuse. We see the bruises from the physical so yes, it is shocking. But bruises and wounds heal. The true trauma of even a physically abused women is what it does to her mental and emotional state. The fear, anxiety, anticipation of the next blow...this is what lingers and hinders her from living a healthy, normal life post abuse.
I have never been hit by a man and I will not even attempt to say that I understand this feeling. My best friend from childhood has been beaten so badly we thought she would not make it on several occasions. Still to this day she bears awful scars across her face and body from countless attacks from her boyfriend. Me, on the other hand, I was married to an incredibly deceitful and mentally abusive man who came close to stealing every last bit of who I was and what I had to offer. I was a shell of a human.
I sat on one side of a glass jail visitation booth and picked up the grungy phone to hear the voice of my best friend who had made a few wrong turns in her life. We sat for an hour trading stories and filling each other in on the ups and downs of the past few years.
As we continued to share there was one common thread we kept coming to, each time shaking our heads in agreement and connecting through our pain. The lingering fears of the mental abuse.
After several years of cowering, apologizing and trying to keep my head above water I decided it was time to step up for myself and my children and leave. At the advice of a counselor I agreed my children needed at least one healthy parent. And right now they had none. With some hard work and sacrifice I was determined to heal and become the best mother I could possibly be for my children.
Although it proved to be the smartest decision of my life, unfortunately, the abuse didn't stop. Even after 4 years of divorce I still cringe when I see his name appear in an email or call. Always hurling insults and anything evil he can throw to hit the most vulnerable parts of my being. The man I trusted with my life, spoke my vows to, started a family with had become my living nightmare.
But here is the difference. Now, ...I have taken the control back. You see, I let him take my dignity, my worth, my everything. Not anymore.
I have learned to find my value in the eyes of my savior. My gracious, loving Jesus. He calls me beautiful. He knew me before I was formed in my mothers womb and embraced every mistake I would ever make and loves me unconditionally. This is the love I cling to and trust now. I am safe in his love.
There is a song that helped catapult me into trusting Christ to care for my broken self. So much of how I relate to this life is through music. I want to encourage you to take a moment and find healing and true love in our Heavenly (perfect) Father through this song.
"In Better Hands"It's hard to stand
On shifting sand
It's hard to shine
In the shadows of the night
You can't be free
If you don't reach for help
And you can't love
If you don't love yourself
But there is hope when my faith runs out...
Cuz I'm in better hands now
It's like the sun is shining
When the rain is pourin' down
It's like my soul is flying
Though my feet are on the ground
So take this heart of mine
There's no doubt
I'm in better hands now
I am strong
All because of you
I stand in awe of
Every mountain that you move
I am changed
Yesterday is gone
I am safe
From this moment on...
And there's no fear when the night comes 'round
I'm in better hands now
You can't be saved
If you're not reaching out for help
Tonight, I pray that you will be delivered from your hurts, your pain and suffering. Take a chance on real love. Christ's perfect love. Find yourself in better hands.
emotional abuse,
Heavenly Father,
Jesus Christ,
mental abuse,
Natalie Grant,
physical abuse,
self worth,
Thursday, July 26, 2012
"Toss My Salad, I Won!!!"
Yep. Quote of the evening. A delightfully awkward evening.
I've been attempting to embrace the "Why Not?!" attitude in this little life and do things that make for better stories. Tonight, that paid off.
A girlfriend of mine invited me to a "Romance Party" at her place this evening... not knowing what to expect I threw on my Why Not Hat, grabbed three girlfriends to ease the potential awkwardness and off we went!
To be honest, I expected the worst and hoped for the best. I imagined a crusty old lady waving a vibrating something-or-other telling all kinds of icky stories about her intimate life causing me to throw up a little in my mouth. Enticing.
We walked in trying to put on our "I'm totally cool and comfortable" faces and introduced ourselves to about 10 other women. All I could think of was "Ok, we are going to have a crash course in the getting to know you department! Are you a closet freaky freak?!" I couldn't help but giggle and blush when I saw the 65+ something lady that looked like she came straight from her Bunko or Bible Study sitting happily at the table next to a decorative whip. (She ended up being the 'wave the freaky flag' kinda gal! It was knee slapping, gut busting entertainment!)
I sat there trying to control my laughter tears as an absolutely wonderful, giggly girls night unfolded. It was classy, intimate, and hilarious. I had a calming moment as I looked around at all of these married women (I was the only single chick) who were suffering in the intimacy department with their husbands and needing a little boost to remember to enjoy their marriages and loved one. Women who were complaining of intimacy and boasting how much they despised it or even sharing tricks on how to decieve their husbands into thinking they were asleep were now rejuvenated...looking forward to opening up their bodies and hearts once again. Watching their negativity transform into excitement and joy was pretty amazing, believe it or not. There are some happy hubbies in North Georgia tonight, folks!
All in all this night was ridiculous and awesome. More friends are planning more parties and I can't wait to contribute to the silly games and awkward moments. Slightly out of your comfy zone can be a funky fun place.
Say yes to something alittle whacky next time you are invited... Or maybe face a fear that has been snickering at you...As long as you are in healthy boundaries, try putting on your Why Not Hat and living a bit out of the box.
Have you done anything a little out of your comfy zone and went home with a smile? Share it below, I would LOVE to hear!
Put in a little funky hop in your step, friends!
I've been attempting to embrace the "Why Not?!" attitude in this little life and do things that make for better stories. Tonight, that paid off.
A girlfriend of mine invited me to a "Romance Party" at her place this evening... not knowing what to expect I threw on my Why Not Hat, grabbed three girlfriends to ease the potential awkwardness and off we went!
To be honest, I expected the worst and hoped for the best. I imagined a crusty old lady waving a vibrating something-or-other telling all kinds of icky stories about her intimate life causing me to throw up a little in my mouth. Enticing.
We walked in trying to put on our "I'm totally cool and comfortable" faces and introduced ourselves to about 10 other women. All I could think of was "Ok, we are going to have a crash course in the getting to know you department! Are you a closet freaky freak?!" I couldn't help but giggle and blush when I saw the 65+ something lady that looked like she came straight from her Bunko or Bible Study sitting happily at the table next to a decorative whip. (She ended up being the 'wave the freaky flag' kinda gal! It was knee slapping, gut busting entertainment!)
I sat there trying to control my laughter tears as an absolutely wonderful, giggly girls night unfolded. It was classy, intimate, and hilarious. I had a calming moment as I looked around at all of these married women (I was the only single chick) who were suffering in the intimacy department with their husbands and needing a little boost to remember to enjoy their marriages and loved one. Women who were complaining of intimacy and boasting how much they despised it or even sharing tricks on how to decieve their husbands into thinking they were asleep were now rejuvenated...looking forward to opening up their bodies and hearts once again. Watching their negativity transform into excitement and joy was pretty amazing, believe it or not. There are some happy hubbies in North Georgia tonight, folks!
All in all this night was ridiculous and awesome. More friends are planning more parties and I can't wait to contribute to the silly games and awkward moments. Slightly out of your comfy zone can be a funky fun place.
Say yes to something alittle whacky next time you are invited... Or maybe face a fear that has been snickering at you...As long as you are in healthy boundaries, try putting on your Why Not Hat and living a bit out of the box.
Have you done anything a little out of your comfy zone and went home with a smile? Share it below, I would LOVE to hear!
Put in a little funky hop in your step, friends!
comfort zone,
True Romance
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Well, here it is...!
Well, here it is. The first entry. A blank sheet of paper. A clean slate. A chance to tell the world who I am, who I am not, what I live for, stand up for and would die for. All day I've pondered what my life-changing words to you would be. Oh, it had to be larger than life. A true page turner that grips you, makes you believe I have the home sense of Martha Stewart, the kitchen sass of Rachel Ray and the wisdom and heart of Mother Teresa. Here was my moment to WOW you with my wit and intellect...
*Cough, cough* ...Well, ahem...uhhh...aw crap. Today just downright sucked. Who am I kidding?! Without the patient hand holding of a dear friend all day I'm pretty sure you would have found me in a corner throwing grapes at the wall spouting off show tunes in alphabetical order or some other crapshoot craziness. (BTW, thanks, Neena)
So let me throw a few highlights of my day...let's just be real here for a moment if I may...
I woke up this morning all groggy eyed and cranky as I reached over for my iphone 4S to tell me what the day held and fill me in on all my necessary gossip, Instagrams and retweets that I had missed out on the previous night... when it hit me...oh yeah, my phone is still sitting at the bottom of the lake...where I left it last night as I was trying to pull off calm, cool and together mom as my kids met the new man in my life for the first time. Stress? Pshhhh..."I'm good!" I wanted to cry and hide under a rock. Surely those $11 in my bank account were not going to get me a new phone anytime soon. I smiled my way through a few happy go lucky BS words and went on with the new adventure.
As the day unfolded I began to slowly lose it more and more...broken dishwashers and no repairmen...wet bottoms from sitting on the pee left on the toilet seat from your 6 year old son (who obviously has aiming issues), the worlds worse gas and cramps you could possibly imagine (oh, I mean the clear- the- room -and- blame -it- on-the-dog type. Poor dog.), A hive of bees nesting in your mudroom, did I mention the $11 in the bank account part and every bill begging to be paid? Funding for school falling through, and more crap...it just seemed to hit all at once!
I realize these are not massive issues that I am complaining of here and I understand there are families in way more distress than wet bottoms. I am simply saying...yep, today kinda sucked. OK, I'm no Martha, Rachel or Teresa...but I'm okay. I'll be just fine.
I am a single mother of two ah-mazing, crazy ankle biters who definitely has had my share of unfair and sucky. But somehow...through grace, rising above and endurance I have figured out how to keep singing songs of praise even in the darkest of times. My hope, my prayer for you and I both during my time with this blog is to be a peaceful, uplifting reminder that we will have sucky days...and we will be okay. We will sing at midnight.
*Cough, cough* ...Well, ahem...uhhh...aw crap. Today just downright sucked. Who am I kidding?! Without the patient hand holding of a dear friend all day I'm pretty sure you would have found me in a corner throwing grapes at the wall spouting off show tunes in alphabetical order or some other crapshoot craziness. (BTW, thanks, Neena)
So let me throw a few highlights of my day...let's just be real here for a moment if I may...
I woke up this morning all groggy eyed and cranky as I reached over for my iphone 4S to tell me what the day held and fill me in on all my necessary gossip, Instagrams and retweets that I had missed out on the previous night... when it hit me...oh yeah, my phone is still sitting at the bottom of the lake...where I left it last night as I was trying to pull off calm, cool and together mom as my kids met the new man in my life for the first time. Stress? Pshhhh..."I'm good!" I wanted to cry and hide under a rock. Surely those $11 in my bank account were not going to get me a new phone anytime soon. I smiled my way through a few happy go lucky BS words and went on with the new adventure.
As the day unfolded I began to slowly lose it more and more...broken dishwashers and no repairmen...wet bottoms from sitting on the pee left on the toilet seat from your 6 year old son (who obviously has aiming issues), the worlds worse gas and cramps you could possibly imagine (oh, I mean the clear- the- room -and- blame -it- on-the-dog type. Poor dog.), A hive of bees nesting in your mudroom, did I mention the $11 in the bank account part and every bill begging to be paid? Funding for school falling through, and more crap...it just seemed to hit all at once!
I realize these are not massive issues that I am complaining of here and I understand there are families in way more distress than wet bottoms. I am simply saying...yep, today kinda sucked. OK, I'm no Martha, Rachel or Teresa...but I'm okay. I'll be just fine.
I am a single mother of two ah-mazing, crazy ankle biters who definitely has had my share of unfair and sucky. But somehow...through grace, rising above and endurance I have figured out how to keep singing songs of praise even in the darkest of times. My hope, my prayer for you and I both during my time with this blog is to be a peaceful, uplifting reminder that we will have sucky days...and we will be okay. We will sing at midnight.
Martha Stewart,
Mother theresa,
Rachel Ray,
single mom,
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